Since it began in 1921, the National Honor Society (NHS) is our nation's premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students. More than just an honor roll, the National Honor Society serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of Scholarship, Leadership, Service and Character. These four criteria for selection form the foundation upon which the organization and its activities are built.
The NHS National Council establishes the standards for all NHS chapters. Local chapters create their own by-laws which must be consistent and comply with the NHS National Constitution. Specific standards many vary from one school to the next, but are acceptable as long as they do not fall below the standards set by the National Council. All chapters are required to write the criteria and procedures used in their local selection processes. The NHS advisor maintains and oversees copies of the local procedures and has them available upon request.
Any student, in grades 10 through 12, is eligible for consideration for membership. Once selected by the local Faculty Council, a student is awarded membership at a special induction ceremony. With induction, a member assumes certain obligations. The chapter must annually conduct a service project for the school or community. In addition, regular meetings of the chapter are held to conduct business and communicate with members.
The Erie Mason Chapter of the National Honor Society at Mason High School was established in 1964. Induction into the National Honor Society takes place during Homecoming of each year. After induction, the Faculty Council evaluates members each trimester. All NHS members will wear an honor cord upon graduation and gain permanent NHS status.
Membership in the National Honor Society is an honor bestowed on Mason High School senior or junior students who have given evidence of outstanding performance in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. A high grade point alone does not automatically qualify a student for membership.
At the end of each school year, the NHS advisor reviews the cumulative grade point averages of all senior and junior students to ascertain which students may be considered for membership. To be considered a student must have a cumulative grade point of 3.4 or better. These students will receive a letter from the NHS advisor asking them to fill out and return a student information form. This form will be used by the Faculty Council to help determine selection.
The faculty council consists of five members, excluding the NHS advisor and principal. They review the evidence of outstanding performance for each student who is under consideration. Selection of a student to the NHS chapter shall be by a majority vote of the faculty council. Students will be informed during the first few weeks of the school year if they will be inducted. For those not selected, they will be eligible the following year as long as the grade point requirement is met. Also a student, who was a member of NJHS, does not automatically become a member of NHS. The five-member faculty council, by majority vote, can place a member on probation, or dismiss a member, if the member does not maintain the standards of the National Honor Society.
The Erie Mason Chapter of the National Honor Society holds monthly meetings at Mason High School. The meetings take place in Mrs. Kevorkian's room. Announcements regarding the meetings are on the scrolling announcements. Meeting dates are also posted in the NHS display case by the Superintendent's Office entryway. In order to avoid conflict with the member’s other obligations, meeting dates will be posted one week prior to the date.
Induction of new members will take place in the Mason High School Library Media Center. The induction ceremony consists of a candle lighting ceremony by current members, the introduction of the new members, the swearing in of the inductees by the principal, and the tokens of membership, which include a certificate and pin. There will be refreshments following the ceremony for the inductees and their guests.
Mason Senior High School
c/o B. Kevorkian, NHS Advisor
2400 Mason Eagles Dr.
Erie, MI 48133
Kindergarten Round-Up will be on April 16, 2025. Click here for more details and requirements!